Embaixada da República do Malawi no Brasil

Embaixada da República do Malawi no Brasil


É com grande honra que a Embaixada da República do Malaui no Brasil anuncia a chegada do seu novo Embaixador, Sua Excelência Brian Bowler.

Detentor de um MBA concluído no Reino Unido e um bacharelado em Engenharia Mecânica, o Embaixador Brian Bowler nasceu em Blantyre, Malaui.

Embaixador Bowler vem com experiências tanto nos setores público e privado quanto na arena diplomática. Da perspectiva do setor privado, ele é acionista e proprietário de cervejarias nacionais no Malaui e na Tanzânia.

No setor público, ele já trabalhou como Presidente do Conselho da maior empresa de investimento do Malaui: o Departamento de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento (MDC), na qual foi o maior promotor imobiliário do Malaui, supervisionando investimentos bancários e financeiros, de produção, hotéis e hospitalidade. Ele também foi Presidente do Conselho  da então linha áerea nacional: Air Malawi. Durante seu mandato como Presidente, os subsidiários desfrutaram de um crescimento sem precedentes e lucros significativos. Embaixador Bowler também foi um dos fundadores do Comitê Nacional da AIDS do Malaui (NAC), órgão que funciona como coordenador geral na luta contra o HIV/AIDS no país. Ele foi Chefe do Comitê Financeiro da Organização.

Na arena diplomática, Embaixador Bowler também tem extensa experiência e é o atual Decano do Corpo Diplomático do Malaui. Antes de assumir seu posto de Embaixador do Malaui no Brasil, Embaixador Bowler foi representante permanente do Malaui nas Nações Unidas, em Nova York, e trabalhou anteriormente como primeiro Alto Comissário do Malaui na Índia e Embaixador do Malaui na Bélgica, onde ele também foi acreditado na França, Suíça, Luxemburgo, Holanda, União Européia, no Parlamento Europeu, Tribunal Criminal de Justiça de Haia, Grupo de Secretarias de Estado da África, Caribe e Pacífico (ACP), na Organização Cultural, Científica e Educacional das Nações Unidas (UNESCO), Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), e Programa Alimentar Mundial (PAM). Embaixador Bowler foi o principal negociador de comércio e serviços sob o contrato de parceria econômica entre a União Européia e os blocos econômicos do Leste e Sul da África. Ele também trabalhou como Conselheiro de vários chefes de Estado e importantes grupos de reflexão.

Os interesses pessoais do Embaixador Bowler incluem a indústria de telecomunicação, o desenvolvimento imobiliário e negócios em geral, bem como golfe, voo e rugby. Sua verdadeira paixão é dar voz aos que não têm e a seus projetos filantrópicos, que constroem maternidades e criam programas de saneamento básico.      







On Thursday 7th March, the Ambassador for the Embassy of the Republic of Malawi in Brazil, Rev. Dr. Levi Njombole Nyondo visited EMATER-DF, and was accompanied by three Diplomats.  The delegation was welcomed by President of EMATER DF, Mr. Cleison Duval, and his team composed of the technical experts in aquaculture, poultry, piggery, and livestock. The objective of the visit was to learn more on EMATER-DF’s agricultural development projects and operations in working with the rural farmers in the Federal District.

EMATER-DF made several presentations to the delegation focusing on their key departments of livestock farming, aquaculture, and aquaponics. This was then followed by a visit to the company’s Intensive Fish Production Demonstration Unit and appreciate the technologies being used in fish production. The Intensive Fish Production Unit and biofloc system is a technological innovation that produces 30 times more fish with a 90 percent less water compared to conventional excavated tank system. The system also enables the fish to gain more weight, resulting in the production of up to 30kg/m3, unlike the conventional system which only produces 1kg/m3. The demonstration unit acts as a learning centre for aquaculture where farmers receive trainings. Another technology at the centre is aquaponics, which combines raising fish in tanks (recirculating aquaculture) and soilless plant culture (hydroponics). The technology means that the water used to raise fish is recycled to water vegetables, and this eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers. Mr. Cleison Duval highlighted important role of Technical Assistance and Public Rural Extension officers in mobilizing small-scale rural farmers and setting cooperatives to boost agricultural production. This is one way of bringing latest technologies to small scale producers, and also contributes to raising and resolving crucial social issues while fostering collaboration with other government institutions.

Ambassador Levi Nyondo expressed gratitude to EMATER-DF for the presentations and allowing the delegation to visit the intensive fish production demonstration unit. He stressed the need to establishing partnerships and avenues for knowledge exchange between Malawi and Brazil in order to boost the agricultural sector in Malawi. The Ambassador shared with EMATER the goals set in the Malawi 2065 to guarantee food security in the country and overall agricultural development. He explained that with a natural resource as the Lake Malawi, aquaculture can easily be adopted.

Emater-DF is a public owned company under the Secretariat of Agriculture, Supply, and Rural Development in the Federal District established in 1978 to promote sustainable rural development and improve food security in the Federal District.  Emater-DF has a membership of over 20 thousand farmers, covering an area 4,000km2 of peri-urban and rural Brasilia.





Thursday: His Excellency, Ambassador Rev. DR. Levi Nyondo met with CAMPO’s Director for Technical Services, at CAMPO Headquarters to discusses possible areas of cooperation between CAMPO and the Malawi Embassy in the field of agriculture and agricultural development. 

CAMPO is a Brazilian agricultural development company founded in 1978 to offer services and solutions for sustainable development of agribusiness, using latest agricultural technologies, and preserving the environment. The company is operating in a number of countries in South America, Asia and Africa. CAMPO employs technologies and innovations that strive to increase food production using sustainable agricultural practices. Through its flagship project of the development of the Brazilian ‘Cerrado’ (savanah), Brazil has become the world reference for tropical agriculture.

During the meeting HE Ambassador, called for closer ties between Malawi and CAMPO in order to develop the agricultural sector. He highlighted Malawi’s efforts in prioritizing agriculture for economic development through agro-industrialization, mega farms development, and agro-energy projects. CAMPO can effectively assist Malawi as the company has vast experience working in Africa and other parts of the world. The parties agreed to meet in the coming month to identify key agricultural value chains that can be considered cooperation under their agreement.




In the of quest of mobilising international humanitarian support towards the devastation of Cyclone Freddy, on Monday, H.E. Rev. Dr. Levi Njombole Nyondo, Ambassador of Malawi to Brazil held a bilateral meeting with Ms. Luiza Lopes da Silva, Deputy Director of Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) in collaboration with H.E. Arthur Henrique Villanova Nogueira, Ambassador of Brazil to Malawi, resident in Lusaka.

The meeting sought to identify gaps in the humanitarian efforts towards Cyclone Freddy to allow the Government of Brazil respond to the humanitarian need on the ground without duplicating efforts, as well as focused on post-disaster initiatives that can be done in the aftermath of the disaster.

His Excellency the Ambassador of Malawi to Brazil, appealed for humanitarian support as the cyclone victims are in need of shelter; clothing; non-food items such as cups, pots and plates; mobile toilets, soaps and buckets; and food. 

The Government of Brazil reaffirmed its commitment to continue supporting Malawi in situations like these and pledge its solidarity.